I will confess, I have been a delinquent blogger for the last few years but my new year’s resolve is hoping that I should keep track of amazing folks.

I think the links that I have in my blogroll is entirely different from the links that are going around now.

Hence, a link amnesty.

If we have been chatting for some while over twitter but it seems that I haven’t placed you in my link list (it’s at the sidebar now) then feel free to tell me. It’s not that I haven’t visited your sites (quite sure I have) it’s only really now that I’ve had the chance to actually maintain this blog.  So please slap me silly and say “Hey, put my site down there!”

At the same time, I also don’t mind you guys pimping new blogs for me. I love reading blogs and lately, they’ve been a great resource for academic study. So pimp on! I love looking at new opinions, different perspectives, and all that!

I would appreciate it if you added Otaku Champloo too in your roster! Not exactly a requirement (I’ll just have Golgo13 shoot you from behind if you don’t) but friendly links are nice and all that.  I’m quite sure you guys are good stalkers. Right? Riiight? :>