????(??? ????????)???? ???????????????!!??????I would like to express my deepest sorries to the people who have been following OtaChan for a few months and have not really read anything substantial. Well, that’s primarily because it was the last month of school and things piled on me like pancakes. Nonetheless, now that October has arrived and my short school break has begun, I guess I’d go back to the flow of things and start my little journey again.

To an update, I heard there’s a new manga shop at one of our local malls. I might give it a shot tomorrow and grab myself ‘a’ manga for one. I’ve been quite deprived since there hasn’t been a manga joint in the city for a while. I heard Banana Fish is available there and I’ve been searching for that for some while now. I hope it’s available and I could at least grab the first volume to my heart’s content.

Anyway, end of RL updates and on to the site. Sorry for the slight interference, and welcome back to the show. ????????????d(*^??????)b ?????????!!