Ah fujoshi, your imagination is amazing

It’s your day today, Fujoshi. Have a nice Yaoi no Hi

Yes, yes~ this blog is a constant reminder that this day exists for us fujoshis to enjoy and celebrate everything that relates to boys love~ SO FUJOSHI, BE MERRY! YOU GO AND DRAFT THAT PR0N!!

Today’s a great day to look back and think of all the yaoi titles you’ve read in the past year. A lot of great yaoi titles were published this year too, my favorite being Seduce me after the Show by Est Em. This title is stunning, if not, brilliant — despite the really strange title. ^^;;

As a part of looking back, I thought I’d let my fujoshi imagination run wild a little and share a morsel of how this fujoshi brain works. In this Yaoi no Hi, I thought I’d teach my readers a little thing that pretty much has changed the lives of many of my friends. In this installation, I teach you… the Fujoshime (腐女子目), or Fujoshi Vision.

Waking your Fujoshime

I firmly believe that you do not create a fujoshi. You awaken it.

I have friends who cry and say “AH–!! DON’T SHOW THAT TO ME!! I DO NOT WANT MORE OF THAT GAY STUFF!!” But in time, despite being a big fan of everything straight, these same friends would find themselves dropping lines about how one of their favorite characters are turning gay for each other. And eventually it’s not just their favorite characters. Whenever they watch anime, drama, or read their manga, they start to see how one guy is just gay for another and even come to a point of distinguishing “Ah! That guy’s so uke!” or “This guy has seme potential!” When they reach this point they’d all return to me, cursing me for giving them the fujoshi eyes. It was then I realized that I became a trigger for their latent fujoshi potential. I didn’t teach them anything about being a fujoshi, I just opened their eyes to an interesting perspective which tapped their inner fujoshi. I used to say that it involves the corruption of the brain and the corruption must be reared and taken care of. But really, corruption begins with one’s own will. When you want to see it, then you’ll see it.

So how do you awaken this inner fujoshi? There are many ways really. Some browse the internet, accidentally clicking a fan website for their favorite series and then eventually see a plethora of images which they should have not seen (or maybe read a fanfic which they should not have read). Some are triggered by listening in on random conversations heard from fujoshis who prattle who tops and who don’t, why their sex must be so angry, or why two friends are suddenly ‘domesticated’. One particular friend of mine went to comikket expecting to see regular material for a particular series and ended up seeing table upon table of seme x uke action. I think for many, these triggers are purely accidental and rarely intentional. What comes after these triggers though is interesting, sometimes dramatic, and often inescapable.

Once your fujoshi eyes are awake, you just can’t seem to shut it. When you read the same guys those fujoshis are talking about, you suddenly understand this unresolved sexual tension that they were talking about. It does not help that when you go online, you are bombarded with thousands of images the same characters going at it like bunnies. And it never helps that when you go online to buy manga in yahoo!japan, a yaoi doujin would pop up first instead of the actual manga. The triggers are constant and the corruption, continuous. Now that you see it, you cannot ‘unsee’ it. You can’t even ‘unthink’ it. The damage has been done and everything you watch and read has a potential to be gay.

Taking control of your Fujoshime
So now that you have your Fujoshime, what do you do with it? You can’t get rid of it. And you can’t self-inflict an amnesia just to forget it ever existed. You didn’t want it in the first place, but how can you at least temper your eyes from not seeing these fujoshi stuff? I believe my friends gave me the best answer for this. Embrace it. Learn to live with it and understand that it won’t make you less of guy but more of a man. It is after all, it is just a perspective and not a lifestyle.

One of my good friends has learned to live with his fujoshi eyes and takes the rabid boy bonking visions lightly. In fact, in a conversation about a particular TV show, he has wowed me with his perspective on how a supposedly uke character had a great potential to be seme. I feel proud since he did this all on his own, and yes he is a straight guy and he embraces his inner fujoshi with much pride. Sometimes, his comments make me think that he’s more fujoshi than his girlfriend!

Having the eyes for yaoi does not make you gay. It makes you see yaoi and maybe understand why thousands of girls are screaming “UST!” when two guys are fighting in a panel. It can tell you an alternative reading to a story that you enjoy, sometimes humorous and often a prelude to something porny. You’ll eventually realize how interesting and amusing it is to have fujoshime. It shows you how insane these girls can really get.

On the side of things, one ojichan wrote for CNET about the Fujoshi phenomenon. That’s where I got this nice image too. You guys might want to read it.