I'll be talking about Fujoshi Bait this weekend! Hope you can listen!

Satoru Gojo continues the Shonen Jump’s long legacy of sustaining fujoshi interest

On Friday, June 11 9:00 pm (CST), I’ll be giving a talk at Fujocon on Fujoshi Bait!

What is Fujoshi Bait? How does it work? Why is it successful for some but not for others? How much of it is intentional or unintended? Central to this lecture is the idea of Boys Love literacies and the effective and ineffective ways media use these literacies to keep and maintain a captive female audience and market.

I hope that I can see you at this talk! The talk is for free just register at Fujocon’s website. (And for those who live in my region PH+8, the talk is at 10 AM!!)

There are also many fantastic talks from other BL academics and fans so it’d be a worthwhile experience this weekend. ALSO, I heard Futekiya’s list of guests for Fujocon are A++. Check out the panels!