I was writing something about Nodame World earlier and then when I sent it, my page just blanked out. I was hoping cache would get what I wrote, but they didn’t so here I am writing it again.

I made an english fansite for Nodame Cantabile. It is just the funniest josei manga I’ve read ever! It is devoid of work-related problems and sexual tension. Just appreciation and love for life and classical music.

My journey to Nodame was quite interesting. I was looking at Urasawa’s nomination for Pluto in the 2005 Osamu Tezuka awards. Then I saw Nodame shortlisted. I was like “Dude, what’s with that chicken scratch look!?” Anyway, I checked the manga out and I finally fell in love. It is now an uber favorite of mine, prolly the only manga that I really read faithfully nowadays.

Anyway, that’s my shameless plug. What is an otaku without her own fansite, right?