Year: 2007

#09 – Mousou Shoujo Otaku Kei by Natsumi Konjoh


mousou-01 Mousou Shoujo Otakukei (Fujoshi Rumi) by Natsumi Konjoh
Published by Futabasha/Comics High
Translated by MediaBlasters.

This is a fujoshi story ((You can read more about it from bangin’s entry on fujoshi)) . Yes. It involves fangirls oggling over BL with their crazy imagination at work. I’d like to warn people that the world of the fujoshi is insane, and as the title of the manga captures it, even delusional. However, it can also be charming and outright hilarious. In the tradition of non-otaku men falling in love with rabid female otakus is a story of a boy that explores the world of the fujoshi and everything else in between — Mousou Shoujo Otakukei. The Delusional Girl Otaku.